Saturday, June 12, 2004

Slow days the light spares nothing, only appears to recede. A “white-white root”—reflections, recitations. The sound of music’s demise. The book held upside-down or up to a mirror the sun cancels.


He returned with photographs of the source: it was the pulsing of night in mid-air.


The Apothecary of Elephantine
The Barrister of Dimwit
The Courtesan of Shank
The Dullard of the Brickworks
The Epileptic of Glassglow
The Friar of Mars
The Greenhorn of Tulare
The Hell-raiser of Cyprus
The Innards of May
The Joker of Jasmine Corners
The Kulmination of Misspillings
The Latinist of Hamburg
The Man of Mandalay
The Nurse of My Dreams
The Operator of Buenos Aries
The Plumber of Philosophy
The Quipper of Dunedin
The Ranger of Raw Reason
The Slav of Blue Vases
The Tutor of Wrong Angles
The Untitled of Slates
The Very Best of Nod
The Wag of Jagger
The X-orcist of Constantinople
The Yes Man of Zurich
The Zookeeper of the Oblivious


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